Обсуждение материалов, опубликованных на Агентуре
Agentura » 03 мар 2007 15:17
After the memorable deportation of iron Felix - from the Lubyanskaya Square to the Krymsky Val - his child has changed signs several times. Something has been slivered from KGB monolith, something has been glued back on the quiet. On the wave of spontaneous democracy "the bodies" were inculcated with deference to personality and law. The new leaders of "the office" tried to discourage the officers from fighting with dissentient and they showed by a personal example how to fight with the foreign special services. During a stranger-Eltsin Lubyanka fairly felt like a toady who was endured thanks to mercy. With Putin coming to the Kremlin the chekysts began to look back their name.
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