Ну да. Как сказал какой-то мудрец - свобода, это, в том числе, и свобода заблуждаться.
А вот еще какую версию я нашел:
http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics ... cyclopediaAfter some time, he fell in love with an MI6 secretary named Iris Peake — later she went to work in the service of the Queen — and they decided to marry. However, the Peake family wouldn't give consent for the marriage because Blake was Jewish. Iris wasn't able to bear the pressure and their relationship ended. Blake was devastated as a result and allegedly decided to take revenge on this "snobbish" English nation which he blamed for the destruction of the love of his life. He went to his uncle and confidant, Henri Curiel, who recruited him for the KGB.
This explanation was, however, contradicted by Blake himself, who said later that he switched sides during the Korean War after being greatly influenced by it. In answering the question in an interview, “Is there one incident that triggered your decision to effectively change sides?”, George Blake responded, "It was the relentless bombing of small Korean villages by enormous American flying fortresses. Women and children and old people, because the young men were in the army. We might have been victims ourselves. It made me feel ashamed of belonging to these overpowering, technically superior countries fighting against what seemed to me defenceless people. I felt I was on the wrong side ... that it would be better for humanity if the Communist system prevailed, that it would put an end to war."
Ну вот, тут теперь еще и любОФФ плюс вечный антисемитизм (в коем англичан вообще-то трудно обвинять, достаточно про Дизраэли вспомнить)... Да и не был Блейк верующим иудеем, он был абсолютно эмансипированным ассимилированным человеком, хоть и еврейского происхождения, но протестантского вероисповедания.
К тому же, будь он так проеврейски настроенным, то почему он мстил "британским снобам", служа не Моссад, а КГБ (про "дело врачей" не знал?). Опять же - стоит ли месть "из-за бабы" 42 лет тюрьмы. Да и дядя Анри Кюриэль, хоть и реальное лицо, но его связи с КГБ не доказаны. Да и при чем тут тогда Корея? Т.е. и эта версия не вызывает моего доверия.