President Bill Clinton Lost Nuclear Codes While in Office

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President Bill Clinton Lost Nuclear Codes While in Office

Сообщение NikSt » 21 окт 2010 04:34

President Bill Clinton Lost Nuclear Codes While in Office, New Book Claims

Former Chairman of Joint Chiefs Says Nuclear 'Biscuit' Went Missing for Months


When you're President of the United States, you can lose a vote, you can lose popular support, and you can lose a round of golf. But you're never, ever supposed to lose the biscuit.

That's what they call the card the president is meant to keep close at hand, bearing the codes that he has to have in order to launch a nuclear attack. And for several months during the Clinton administration, a former top military officer says they lost the biscuit... ... d=11930878
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Зарегистрирован: 16 сен 2010 22:09

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