Иностранные книги о шпионах

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Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 31 авг 2011 12:28

http://www.questia.com/library/book/the ... d-wise.jsp

Дэвид Уайз и Томас Росс "Дело U-2"
- первая книга живого классика и моего любимого, по крайней мере, на протяжении последнего месяца, автора Дэвида Уайза.
1962 год - по свеженьким следам.

Table of Contents

Title Page
1: The Bridge
2: Flight
3: May Day
4: Black as a Hat
5: "What Happens If You're Caught?"
6: Taking the Minnow
7: "No--N-O--No--Deliberate Attempt"
8: "The President Wants This"
9: To Paris, in the Spring
10: The Summit
11: Investigation
12: A Charming Couple
13: The Trial
14: The Verdict
15: Prison
16: Cloak and Dagger
17: A Summing Up
Authors' Note
About the Authors
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 02 сен 2011 10:30

Учитывая, что за прошедший год по миру, особенно по Ближнему востоку, пробежался полярный лис, иначе именуемый писец, наверняка есть необходимость прикупить очередную Всемирную книгу фактов ЦРУ, уж слишком много изменилось. Выйдет она 1 ноября.
http://www.amazon.com/CIA-World-Factboo ... 956&sr=8-1

Хотя у онлайнового варианта все равно масса преимуществ. И это не только постоянный апдейт, но и возможность сравнения - таблицы: какая страна по какому показателю на каком месте.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение konstant » 12 сен 2011 15:58

В ФРГ вышла книга о созданной в 1977 году спецслужбами Восточного блока системе СОУД (Система обьединенного учета данных о потенциальном противнике)
У нас насколько я знаю,об этой системе есть только пара беглых комментариев

Das geheimdienstliche Datennetz des östlichen Bündnissystems
Bodo Wegmann, Monika Tantzscher

SOUD – zu deutsch: System der vereinigten Erfassung von Daten über den Gegner – war ein streng geheimer Informationsverbund der Sicherheitsdienste von sechs Warschauer-Pakt-Staaten und drei weiteren verbündeten Ländern. Seine Aufgabe war es, Erkenntnisse über gegnerische Geheimdienste sowie über Personen und Institutionen zusammenzuführen, von denen nach dem Verständnis der SOUD-Teilnehmer eine Gefahr für die innere Sicherheit ausging. Ein vergleichbares multinationales nachrichtendienstliches Informationssystem hatte es bis dahin in der Geschichte der Geheimdienste noch nicht gegeben. Zwar bestanden und bestehen Abkommen über den Austausch von Daten zwischen Geheimdiensten, zum Beispiel im Rahmen der NATO, eine derartig weitgehende Vernetzung und Kooperation wie im SOUD war jedoch zu diesem Zeitpunkt ohne Beispiel.

Diese Studie stützt sich vorwiegend auf Arbeitsunterlagen der für das SOUD zuständigen Diensteinheiten des MfS aus dem Archiv des Bundesbeauftragten für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (BStU). Dies bedingt, dass Grundlagen und Funktionsweise des Systems hauptsächlich in Bezug auf das MfS untersucht und dargestellt werden. SOUD-Unterlagen anderer Nachrichtendienste waren nur vereinzelt verfügbar. Unter ihnen hat das aufgefundene russischsprachige Protokoll der zweiten multilateralen Konferenz der Signatardienste 1988 in Sofia einen besonderen Stellenwert, da in ihm unter anderem ein Resümee der Arbeit des Systems seit der Inbetriebnahme gezogen wird. Damit werden der Öffentlichkeit erstmals Gesamtzahlen über die bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt erfassten Datensätze des Zentralspeichers in Moskau zugänglich gemacht.

Zum Autor/Herausgeber

Bodo Wegmann
Jahrgang 1966, Politologe, ehemaliger Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Bildung und Forschung des BStU.

Monika Tantzscher
Jahrgang 1942, ehemalige Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung Bildung und Forschung des BStU.




2.1 Die Geburtsstunde des SOUD

2.2 Die Kooperation der östlichen Geheimdienste in den siebziger Jahren und die politischen Rahmenbedingungen

2.3 Die Zusammenarbeit von KGB und MfS beim Aufbau des Systems

Die Struktur des SOUD

3.1 Die Informationssysteme des KGB

3.2 Der Arbeitsapparat des SOUD beim KGB

3.3 Die Vertretungen des KGB bei den Teilnehmerdiensten

3.4 Die SOUD-Struktureinheiten in den Teilnehmerdiensten

3.5 Der technische und inhaltliche Aufbau des Systems
3.5.1 Technischer Aufbau
3.5.2 Inhaltlicher Aufbau
3.5.3 Aufbau und Entwicklung
3.5.4 Kapazitäten
3.5.5 Die Objekterfassung

Die strukturelle Verankerung des SOUD im MfS

4.1 Das SOUD als Teil der ersten elektronischen Speichersysteme im MfS

4.2 Die Zentrale Auswertungs- und Informationsgruppe als Sitz des SOUD-Arbeitsbereichs im MfS

4.3 Die Nutzer des Systems im MfS

4.4 Die "Diensteinheit des Zusammenwirkens mit dem SOUD" im MfS: die "ZAIG/5"
4.4.1 ZAIG 4/4 bzw. "ZAIG/5"
4.4.2 Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der "ZAIG/5"
4.4.3 Die Mitarbeiter der Arbeitsgruppe SOUD und der "ZAIG/5"

Die Nutzung des SOUD im MfS

5.1 Die Arbeitsgrundlagen

5.2 Das Erfassungsverfahren

5.3 Änderungen, Ergänzungen, Übernahmemitteilung

5.4 Die Löschung von Daten

5.5 Das Auskunftsverfahren
5.5.1 Dringlichkeitsstufen und Bearbeitungszeiten
5.5.2 Die Antworten des Systems
5.5.3 Die Ausgabeverfahren

5.6 Signalinformationen

5.7 Die Verbindung zwischen der "ZAIG/5" und dem Arbeitsapparat

5.8 Der Informationsaustausch über die Abteilung X (Internationale Verbindungen)

Die multilateralen SOUD-Konferenzen

6.1 Die Konferenz in Moskau 1986

6.2 Die Konferenz in Sofia 1988

SOUD in der Endphase des DDR-Staatssicherheitsdienstes



Dokumentenverzeichnis und Dokumente

Сообщения: 50
Зарегистрирован: 14 апр 2011 22:08

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Garul » 12 сен 2011 16:38

Должна быть интересной, по-идее.
Сообщения: 483
Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2008 17:21

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение konstant » 13 сен 2011 12:21

Им легче. Архивы Штази открыты практически для всех желающих,поэтому там можно найти кучу документов,которые у нас по-прежнему имеют гриф "Сов.секретно" Попробуйте у нас найти что-нибудь о системе СОУД в СВР!
Сообщения: 50
Зарегистрирован: 14 апр 2011 22:08

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Garul » 13 сен 2011 12:38

Ликвидированная организация и действующая организация все же разные вещи. Речь все же об архивах Штази, а не БНД. Чехи много публиковали по СОУД, правда полноценную книгу написать не удосужились.
Сообщения: 483
Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2008 17:21

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение konstant » 13 сен 2011 14:30

Конечно разные вещи. Но по этой теме интересны как раз архивы Штази,поскольку наверняка в BND ил BfV информации о СОУД с гулькин нос. Кстати,немецкие историки,изучавшие рапорты Штази в СОУД,отметили одну интересную деталь: XXII Управление Штази (Борьба с терроризмом) собрало очень обширную информацию об участниках террористического подполья в ФРГ. Но ее рапорты в СОУД о западногерманских террористах носили очень отрывочный характер и ограничивались лишь именами и датами рождения. Вся прочая информация осела в стенах Штази.
Сообщения: 50
Зарегистрирован: 14 апр 2011 22:08

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 20 сен 2011 17:30

А книжечке-то уже 15 лет.
1996 год.

http://www.amazon.de/SOUD-geheimdienstl ... 387&sr=1-1

Taschenbuch: 104 Seiten
Verlag: Bundesbeauftragte f. d. Unterlagen d. Staatssicherheitsdienstes d. ehem. DDR; Auflage: 1., Auflage (1996)
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 3942130440
ISBN-13: 978-3942130448

И аж 104 страницы.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 29 сен 2011 11:14

Отметил для себя на следующую весну: Тим Нафтали "История ЦРУ"
http://www.amazon.ca/History-CIA-Tim-Na ... 046504798X

Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Basic Books (April 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 046504798X
ISBN-13: 978-0465047987

Это тот самый Нафтали, который с Фурсенко книгу про Карибский кризис написал.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Сергей_Иванов » 02 окт 2011 04:57

Да, последняя весьма неплохая!)
Сообщения: 23
Зарегистрирован: 06 ноя 2010 22:45
Откуда: Мск

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 04 окт 2011 14:23

Интересно, а кто не пожалел деньги и купил вот сей сборник, под редакцией самого профессора Эндрю?Плюс Олдрич, плюс Уэсли Уорк, про которого я ничего не знаю.
Цена, конечно, внушает.

http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Intelligen ... 252&sr=8-1

Secret Intelligence: A Reader [Paperback]
Christopher Andrew (Editor), Richard J. Aldrich (Editor), Wesley K. Wark (Editor)

Product Description

This Reader in the field of intelligence studies focuses on policy, blending classic works on concepts and approaches with more recent essays dealing with current issues and the ongoing debate about the future of intelligence.

The subject of secret intelligence has never enjoyed a higher profile. The terrorist attacks of 9/11, Madrid and London, the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the missing WMD, public debates over prisoner interrogation, and new domestic security regulations have all contributed to make this a ‘hot’ subject over the past decade.

Aiming to be more comprehensive than existing books, and to achieve truly international coverage of the field, this book provides key readings and supporting material for students and course convenors. It is divided into four main sections, each of which includes full summaries of each article, further reading suggestions, and student questions:

The intelligence cycle

Intelligence, counter-terrorism and security

Ethics, accountability and control

Intelligence and the new warfare

Comprising essays by leading scholars in the field, Secret Intelligence will be essential reading both for students and for anyone wishing to understand the current relationship between intelligence and policy-making.

About the Author
Christopher Andrew is a Fellow and President of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History and former Chair of the Faculty of History at Cambridge University.
Richard J. Aldrich is Professor of International Security at the University of Warwick.
Wesley K. Wark is an Associate Professor in the Department of History of the University of Toronto, a Fellow of Trinity College and an Associate of the Munk Centre for International Studies.

Paperback: 576 pages
Publisher: Routledge; New edition edition (January 11, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0415420245
ISBN-13: 978-0415420242

Тhis Reader in the field of intelligence studies focuses on policy, blending classic works on concepts and approaches with more recent essays dealing with current issues and the ongoing debate about the future of intelligence. The subject of secret intelligence has never enjoyed a higher profile. The terrorist attacks of 9/11, Madrid and London, the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the missing WMD, public debates over prisoner interrogation, and new domestic security regulations have all contributed to make this a ‘hot’ subject over the past decade. Aiming to be more comprehensive than existing books, and to achieve truly international coverage of the field, this book provides key readings and supporting material for students and course convenors. It is divided into four main sections, each of which includes full summaries of each article, further reading suggestions, and student questions: The intelligence cycle Intelligence, counter-terrorism and security Ethics, accountability and control Intelligence and the new warfare Comprising essays by leading scholars in the field, Secret Intelligence will be essential readingboth for students andfor anyone wishing to understand the current relationship between intelligence and policy-making.

Preface and Acknowledgements
Introduction: What is intelligence?
1. Wanted: A Definition of 'Intelligence' Michael Warner
2. Ideas of Intelligence: Divergent Concepts and National Philip Davies
Part I: The Intelligence Cycle Summary The Collection of Intelligence
3. It’s a Cultural Thing: Thoughts on a Troubled CIA Garrett Jones
4. All Glory Is Fleeting: Sigint and the Fight against International Terrorism Matthew Aid
5. A Venerable Source in a New Era: Sailing the Sea of OSINT in the Information Age Stephen Mercado The Analysis of Intelligence
6. Surprise Despite Warning: Why Sudden Attacks Succeed Richard Betts
7. What To Do When Traditional Models Fail Carmen Medina Intelligence at the Top: Producer-Consumer Linkage
8. American Presidents and their Intelligence Communities C.M. Andrew
9. Squaring the Circle: Dealing with Intelligence-Policy Breakdowns K.L. Gardiner Liaison: Intelligence Co-operation
10. International Intelligence Co-operation: An Inside Perspective Stephen Lander
Part II: Intelligence, Counter-Terrorismand Security Summary Intelligence and 9/11
11. Strategic Surprise and the September 11 Attacks Daniel Byman
12. Deja Vu? Comparing Pearl Harbor and September 11 James J. Wirtz Intelligence and WMD
13. Reports, Politics, and Intelligence Failures: The Case of Iraq Robert Jervis
14. Intelligence and Iraq: The UK's Four Enquiries Richard J. Aldrich Security Intelligence and Counter-terrorism
15. Intelligence and Strategy in the War on Islamist Terrorism John R. Schindler
16. Intelligence in Northern Ireland B. Bamford Counter-Intelligence
17. Counterintelligence: The Broken Triad Frederick L Wettering
Part III: Ethics, Accountabilityand Control Introduction The Problems of Oversight and Accountability
18. Partisanship and the Decline of Intelligence Oversight M.C. Ott
19. The British experience with intelligence accountability Mark Phythian The Problem of Surveillance and Civil Liberties
20. Domestic Intelligence and Civil Liberties Kate Martin
21. High Policing in the Security Control Society James Sheptycki Intelligence and Ethics
22. Ethics and Intelligence after September 2001 Michael Herman
23. Ethical Guidelines in Using Secret Intelligence for Public Security Sir David Omand Torture and Assassination
24. Can the torture of terrorist suspects be justified? Maureen Ramsay
Part IV: Intelligenceandthe New Warfare Summary Covert Action
25. Covert action and the Pentagon Jennifer D. Kibbe Intelligence, Deception and Military Operations
26. Towards a revolution in Military Intelligence? John Ferris Intelligence and Counter-Insurgency
27. Securing the Globe. Intelligence for Peacekeeping and Peacemaking Peter Gill
28. Intelligence and UN Peacekeeping Hugh Smith
29. Intelligence and the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (ISAF) Joop van Reijn
30. Conclusion. Learning to Live with Intelligence Welsey K. Wark
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 04 окт 2011 14:43

Главный противник ее хвалит:

https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for- ... shelf.html

Christopher Andrew, Richard J. Aldrich, and Wesley K. Wark (eds.), Secret Intelligence: A Reader (New York: Routledge, 2008), 552 pp., end of chapter notes, index.

The preface to this valuable volume asserts that with the end of the Cold War “policymakers and intelligence aristocrats [undefined] bought into fashionable theories about ‘democratic peace’ and the ‘end of history’… [becoming] convinced they were entering a new and tranquil era.” Thus, they turned their attention to economic espionage, ignoring terrorism. Whoever these thinkers might be, they apparently haven’t considered the writings of Michael Scheuer, whose Through Our Enemies Eyes suggests the opposite was the case.1

As the editors of this volume note, the reality of “recent events have prompted academics in departments of history, politics and international relations to contemplate teaching intelligence for the first time.” Toward that end, they have brought together 30 contributors — 20 academics, 10 intelligence officers — who connect some of the classic intelligence literature “with writings on new developments.” (xvii)

The contributions are separated into four parts. The first deals with the intelligence cycle. It includes a discussion of CIA culture and the interaction of collection and analysis, the role of SIGINT, the importance of open sources, analysis, and a discussion of the producer-consumer relationship. The final article in this part, by Sir Stephen Lander, former director-general of MI5, discusses the role and value of liaison or international cooperation among intelligence services. It is a topic not often raised in a public forum and in this case broaches some important issues — a treaty among nations not usually part of such an arrangement — that would change the conventional approach to the subject. The second part deals with counterterrorism, security, and counterintelligence. Part three looks at ethics, accountability, control, plus torture and assassination. Part four, “Intelligence and the New Warfare,” considers covert action, military intelligence and deception, counterinsurgency, and peacekeeping and peacemaking intelligence. Not all the articles are new, but each is worthwhile.

University of Toronto history professor Wesley Wark contributes a concluding essay, “Learning to Live with Intelligence,” that is thoughtful and attention-grabbing. He argues that “public intelligence will require a new public outlook on intelligence.” And to reach this goal, he echoes the theme of the Reader: “The future of intelligence requires a discovery of the past.” (522)

The value of the Reader is enhanced by the inclusion of “essay questions” at the end of many of the articles, some of which challenge positions taken by other contributors. Whether viewed as a text or a source for stimulating thought on modern intelligence issues, Secret Intelligence is an important compendium and should be consulted by all concerned with the profession.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 11 окт 2011 11:12

http://www.amazon.com/Operation-Dark-He ... 966&sr=1-1

Cегодня вышло новое издание (пэйпербэк) прославившейся благодаря пентагоновской цензуре книги Энтони Шэффера "Операция Темное сердце".
Цена пэйпербэка в американском Амазоне 11 долларов. В немецком Амазоне 13 Евро.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 14 окт 2011 13:51

Кажется, уже упоминалась, но ссылку дам.
Книга про перебежчика Владимира Ветрова (Фаревелл)

http://www.amazon.com/Farewell-Greatest ... 701&sr=1-1

Farewell: The Greatest Spy Story of the Twentieth Century
Sergei Kostin (Author), Eric Raynaud (Author), Catherine Cauvin-Higgins (Translator), Richard V. Allen (Foreword)

Editorial Reviews
Amazon.com Review
A Q&A with Sergei Kostin

Question: You spent two years researching the backstory of this book. What about Vetrov first caught your attention?

Sergei Kostin: It was pure luck that I happened upon this case. I was writing a book with a former KGB colonel who was responsible for counterintelligence operations in the Soviet Union investigating French citizens. While we were working together, he mentioned the Farewell case. He had asked for the Farewell dossier in order to learn about the techniques used by French intelligence for handling Farewell in Moscow, so he studied a number of the files and took many notes. The notes he gave me from his research were the start of my investigation, because I realized how relevant this case was for the present day--and Farewell's complex personality was intriguing to me.

Q: There are many sides to this story: Russian, French, American. How did you begin unearthing all the pieces and evaluating how to share them?

SK: For the first year, I only had the Russian side. I had the notes from the Farewell KGB dossier, as well as notes from interviews with his widow, his son, his colleagues, and his friends. Then I went to France and had the chance to add the recollections of Farewell's first handler, Xavier Ameil, and his wife, Claude. I did try to get additional information from the DST (the French counterintelligence agency) and the DGSE (French foreign intelligence). As I expected, they didn't cooperate. The DST head during Farewell's time, Marcel Chalet, then retired, refused to meet me; his deputy, Raymond Nart, was still in active service. Patrick Ferrant, Farewell's main handler, also refused.

Luckily, I was contacted by Eric Raynaud, who wanted to make a movie of my book Bonjour, Farewell and was working on the script. We met two years later and I offered him the opportunity to collaborate on a new edition, giving him some leads in France. Thus it was Eric who conducted the main investigation from the French side for the second edition. There were several reasons for this: It was six years after my first try at uncovering more information, so Raymond Nart and Patrick Ferrant had retired and were able to reveal more. And on top of that, a Russian journalist researching a book about espionage looks suspicious. Because Eric was French and had plenty of time and flexibility, he was able to convince Marcel Chalet and Jacques Prévost to speak about the case. Also he obtained comments about the Farewell cast from Richard Allen, President Reagan's first national security adviser. As a result of Eric's work, our book on Farewell's case became much more consistent from an international perspective.

Q: Because Vetrov is viewed as a traitor in Russia, you initially published your book in France rather than your home country. The Russian government forbade filming of the screenplay in Moscow, and two Russian actors bowed out of the lead role because of social and political pressure. Did you ever consider not publishing the book because of the social taboos?

SK: No. I wrote the first version of my book in 1995 to 1996, when many more doors, including those inside the KGB, were, if not open, at least not shut in your face. My first edition was an accurate reporting of facts, without any political allegations. What could they have objected to? For the second version, I contacted some people I couldn't get to before or of whose existence I had been unaware. I had a long interview with Vladimir Kryuchkov, the former head of the Soviet Union's Foreign Intelligence and later on of the whole KGB; Igor Prelin, former operative of internal counterintelligence dealing with Soviet intelligence officers; Valery Rechenski, who was Farewell's inmate in prison; and so on. All these people were much more at ease talking about the case the second time around because many of the officials involved had died, and because it looked more like pure history. My reason for not publishing my book in Russia was ultimately out of consideration for Farewell's family. His widow and son helped me a great deal in reconstructing his life, and I didn't want their acquaintances pointing and whispering about them after having read this book. In Russia, Farewell is not considered a hero, even if his work objectively helped bring about the end of the Communist regime.

Q: While conducting background research for his screenplay, Eric Raynaud uncovered new information that was used to expand the book. Is there one new detail he came across that you found particularly enlightening?

SK: Eric's information helped give the book a more consistent French point of view; forced me to modify some of my initial conclusions, which were probably too critical; and helped me to better see the international dimensions of the case. However, the information that was the most exciting to me was the relationship and conversations between Farewell and Patrick Ferrant. That was a huge contribution from Eric's side.

Q: In your opinion, what makes this account of Agent Farewell "the greatest spy story of the 20th century"? What will stick with readers?

SK: I'm convinced that Farewell's aims to destroy the KGB had a much greater impact than even he anticipated. The information he handed over to the West completely changed Western countries' view of the Soviet Union. They thought they could maintain a balance of power with the USSR through peaceful competition. But upon learning of the KGB's proficiency in stealing global technological secrets, they realized this wouldn't work. Whereas Carter and Nixon were partisans of détente, President Reagan didn't see things the same way. He wanted to defeat Communism, and Farewell gave him one of the most important arguments for this stance. But more simply, on a human level, Farewell is a fascinating story of an ordinary man who found himself in the right place at the right time and became an actor in making history.

Paperback: 414 pages
Publisher: AmazonCrossing; Tra edition (August 2, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1611090261
ISBN-13: 978-1611090260
Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6.1 x 1.2 inches
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 07 ноя 2011 14:52

http://mirknig.com/knigi/military_histo ... onage.html

Автор книги : Glenn P. Hastedt, Steven W. Guerrier
Название книги: Spies, Wiretaps, and Secret Operations [2 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of American Espionage
Издательство : ABC-CLIO
Год издания книги:2010
ISBN: 1851098070
Страниц : 900
Формат книги: PDF
Размер файла: 16 MB
Язык книги: английский
Для сайта: MirKnig.com
Энциклопедия включает в себя сотни записей, организованных в разделы по алфавиту, которые охватывают историю шпионажа в США с колониальных времен до 21 века. Записи охватывают ключевые лица, технологии, и события в истории американского шпионажа. Во втором томе предложены обзоры важных учреждений в американском разведывательном сообществе и разведывательных организаций в других странах (как союзников и противников), методы их деятельности …
In two volumes, Spies, Wiretaps, and Secret Operation: An Encyclopedia of American Espionage ranges across history to provide a comprehensive, thoroughly up-to-date introduction to spying in the United States—why it is done, who does it (both for and against the United States), how it is done, and what its ultimate impact has been. The encyclopedia includes hundreds of entries in chronologically organized sections that cover espionage by and within the United States from colonial times to the 21st century. Entries cover key individuals, technologies, and events in the history of American espionage. Volume two offers overviews of important agencies in the American intelligence community and intelligence organizations in other nations (both allies and adversaries), plus details of spy trade techniques, and a concluding section on the portrayal of espionage in literature and film. The result is a cornerstone resource that moves beyond the Cold War-centric focus of other works on the subject to offer an authoritative contemporary look at American espionage efforts past and present.

В книжном виде стоит в США всего 180 долларов, зато в Европе целых 220 Евро.
Конечно, файл большой, но его реально удобней юзать в электронном виде, не распечатывая. Во-первых, большой - 950 страниц, во-вторых, в эл-виде легче искать.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев


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