Иностранные книги о шпионах

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Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 19 окт 2013 22:53


Много всего интересного. Даже Маркс и Маркетти есть.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 01 ноя 2013 13:47

http://www.amazon.com/Tales-Langley-CIA ... telligence

Tales From Langley: The CIA from Truman to Obama Paperback – February 8, 2014
by Peter Kross (Author)

Paperback: 378 pages
Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press (February 8, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1939149169
ISBN-13: 978-1939149169

In Tales from Langely: The CIA from Truman to Obama author Kross gives us the nitty-gritty on the CIA: its hits and misses; information on the early operations and leaders; their fights with J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI; Operation Paperclip; assassination plots; mole hunts; strange insider murders; and the hunt for bin Laden-all the details are here. As in his recent book The Secret History of the United States, Kross gives us fascinating, short chapters on the people and events that made up the CIA from its inception in 1947 to today's scandals involving Seal Team 6, Obama and bin Laden. Also included: the latest CIA scandal of how the Benghazi, Libya Consulate contained over 35 CIA operatives on the night that the US Ambassador was killed: they were allegedly involved with running guns to Syria. Chapters include: William Donovan and the OSS; Operation Ajax-the plot to overthrow Iran; J. Edgar Hoover's vendetta against the OSS; Civil Air Transport: The CIA's Secret Airline; Operation Paperclip; The CIA and the Corsian Mafia; Operation Mongoose; "John Scelso” and the Secret JFK Assassination Probe; The Murder of William Buckley; The CIA and the Pakistani ISI; The CIA, bin Laden and 9-11; tons more!

About the Author
Peter Kross is a native of the Bronx, New York and has a BA in History from the University of Albuquerque. He has been writing extensively in the fields of history and politics for the past 30 years. His books are: The Secret History of the United States; JFK and the French Connection; Encyclopedia of World War 2 Spies; Oswald, the CIA and the Warren Commission; and Spies, Traitors and Moles. He lives with his family in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 08 ноя 2013 10:35

Spymaster: Startling Cold War Revelations of a Soviet KGB Chief
Tennent H. Bagley

Skyhorse Publishing; (November 2013)


Preface vii

One: Breaking American Ciphers—and Starting a War 1

Two: Two Views of Culture 17

Three: Target: The American Embassy 39

Four: Inside a Deadly Purge 47

Five: Into Foreign Intelligence—and England 71

Six: A Mole and a Tunnel 85

Seven: "Why Do You Need All Those People Here?" 101

Eight: A Unique Look at the Hungarian Revolution 115

Nine: Spy Center Vienna 129

Ten: The KGB's Nazi Underground 139

Eleven: Richard Sorge Redux 153

Twelve: Organizing to Disinform 165

Thirteen: Active Measures 179

Fourteen: "How Could CIA Ever Have Believed in that Man?" 195

Fifteen: The Top Hat Paradox 213

Sixteen: Prague Spring at the Politburo 223

Seventeen: Other Places Eighteen: The Irony of Helsinki Nineteen: Watching It End

Epilogue 253

Appendix: A Surprising Background, for a KGB Leader 257

Notes 267

Index 297


THIS VOYAGE BACK into the darker regions of the Cold War began in a little country inn in eastern Germany.

As I walked into the sunny breakfast room, the sparkle of silverware on an undisturbed sea of white tablecloths showed me I was early. But not the earliest: a thin and bespectacled man sat alone at a corner table. I recognized him as another participant in the TV production that had brought me to the inn so I walked up to him.

"May I join you?" I asked.

"Please do," he replied with a welcoming gesture toward the seat to his right.

We introduced ourselves, but he evidently knew me already just as I knew him. In fact, this man and I had probably known of each other for more than thirty years. He was Sergey Kondrashev, one of the KGB's most influential figures during the Cold War years, when on the other side I had been supervising CIA's work against his service.

Having long grappled with Soviet deception operations, I was about to breakfast with a man who had run them.

Over orange juice and toast, we talked amicably of our past in the spy game. Kondrashev mentioned that his career in foreign intelligence operations had not started there, but in the KGB's internal-counterintelligence directorate where, in the late 1940s and into the 1950s, he had worked against the American Embassy in Moscow.

That grabbed my interest; I knew that some unsolved mysteries had originated there and then. Old questions rushed to my head. Did I dare ask them of this familiar stranger? Why not? "Tell me, then," I said without preamble or explanation, "something that has been bothering me for a long time. Why ever did Kovshuk make that trip to Washington?"

My breakfast companion had no trouble translating my reference. Vladislav Kovshuk, while heading the KGB's work against American Embassy personnel in Moscow, had travelled to the United States under a pseudonym in early 1957 on a trip that had somehow helped the KGB uncover Americas most important spy in the Soviet Union.

Kondrashev could have deflected the question or pretended ignorance, but instead he answered matter-of-factly and right away, "Oh, that was to meet an important agent." After a brief pause he added, "One who was never uncovered."

Just ten minutes into our acquaintance, the great Soviet spymaster had thrown out a morsel that convinced me this could be a fruitful relationship. I nodded. "Yes, I've long thought so" (as indeed I had), then dropped the subject. To dig for the identity of that still-hidden spy would surely force him to pull back. We smiled at each other, knowing how exceptional our exchange had been.

This astonishing start to a first meeting between former enemies was to set the tone of a relationship that ended only with Kondrashev's death thirteen years later, a tone of affinity, cordiality, mutual respect, and growing confidence between two old professionals.

We were breakfasting there north of Berlin in what had been forbidden territory for me until the recent end of the Cold War. We were not just inside former Communist East Germany, but in the very heart of the once tightly-patrolled Wandlitz area where the Party bigwigs had their summer homes. In this roadside inn in the village of Prenden, we practically sat atop the huge, once-secret underground bunker that would have protected them in case of atomic war.

It was March 1994. A Franco-German TV company had invited retired spy-service veterans, two from the East and two from the West, to chat together about our Cold War in front of the cameras. Along with Kondrashev, the East was represented by the fabled East German intelligence chief Markus Wolf, who had offered the use of his dacha here in Prenden for the occasion. I had already been introduced to Wolf a year earlier in his East Berlin apartment, and we had hit it off well. Later I learned that one reason Kondrashev had been so open with me was that "Mischa" Wolf, his long-time colleague and friend, had already assured him he could talk confidently with me.

After breakfast I joined the other Western participant, Constantin Melnik, who had overseen the intelligence and security services of France, to walk the few hundred yards along the narrow road to Wolf's dacha. At the gate we introduced ourselves through a speaker-phone and were cheerfully admitted. As we walked the forty yards up to the A-frame cottage set in the forest greenery, I wondered how many Eastern spymasters must have enjoyed Wolf's hospitality here during the Cold War to plot against my country and my service.

We talked for two days in fine spring weather, our "round table" being a rough-hewn outdoor garden table whenever we were not on the terrace sipping drinks, or inside dining on the pelmeni dumplings that were Mischas culinary specialty.1

Later that year we reassembled in Paris for the first TV broadcast of the film documenting our talks.2 Its positive reception encouraged further TV "round table" projects. The next year we found ourselves together again, this time in Berlin to talk about Cold War spying in that area. And later that year, when those talks were broadcast on French TV, we met again in Paris.3 Finally, we came together in 1996 in Sochi, Russia, where our public exchange was one event of an international film festival.

Each of these five occasions provided opportunities for long, informal talks with Kondrashev, often about family and other personal matters. He was moved, as he put it after Sochi, by "our good personal contact and mutual understanding."

During this same period in the mid-1990s, a series of joint East-West research projects brought out more of the secret history of the just-ended Cold War. Under an arrangement with the American publisher Random House, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service made selected KGB file materials accessible to its veterans who cooperated with Westerners bringing documents from their own side, to shed fresh light on major espionage episodes. From this project books emerged on the undersides of the Cuban Missile Crisis, on Soviet atom-bomb espionage in America, on the activities of certain Soviet undercover operatives, and on the long KGB-CIA confrontation in Berlin. In the latter project, Sergey Kondrashev, the former head of the KGB's German Department, collaborated with my colleague and friend David E. Murphy, former CIA chief in Berlin and head of its Soviet Bloc Division, in a years-long effort that produced the book Battleground Berlin.4

Seeing that his own service was willing to release some previously secret information, Kondrashev decided to follow the example of other KGB veterans and write his memoirs. However, to earn a reasonable amount of hard currency, his story would have to be published in the West as Battleground Berlin had been and, as Sergey put it, "in the English vernacular." He asked David Murphy to help him, but wearied by long, frustrating efforts to spring useful material from KGB files for their Berlin book, Murphy did not want to take on this new project. He suggested that Kondrashev turn to me.

Having gained confidence in my goodwill and discretion over the previous five years, having recommendations from Murphy and Wolf, and knowing I had already written a book on the KGB, Kondrashev asked me in 1999 if I would assist him in writing his story. He knew that my familiarity with the KGB would spare him the need to provide the context for his recollections and could even contribute to their substance.

I readily accepted, thus beginning a unique relationship. There have been a lot of contacts between KGB and CIA veterans since the end of the Cold War but none, I think, in which a top-level, still-loyal KGB veteran permitted—indeed, invited—an experienced Cold War enemy to delve for year after year into the details of his personal and professional life. And because I was being asked not just to write "in the English vernacular" what Kondrashev chose to recount, but also to choose the topics and shape his telling of his life story, I could ask whatever questions I wanted.

Thus, long after retiring from the CIA, where I had grappled with subtle and deceptive Soviet operations, I was given the undreamedof opportunity to dig back into them with an expert insider.

I considered it a stroke of fortune. To some it might seem curious that I would want to associate with veterans of the KGB, the prime executor of the longest and cruellest repression of modern times, a system that I had dedicated my career to combating. But I knew that behind the blood-spattered walls of that Cheka-OGPU-NKVD-KGB lay the answers to questions never resolved— involving ongoing threats to the security of my country—and only their veterans knew those answers. Though I had retired and severed contact with the CIA more than thirty years earlier, I still felt the responsibility and the attractions of my old job, and I was still nagged by those questions.

For about seven years, Sergey Kondrashev and I worked on his autobiography, inevitably exploring ever deeper the field of deception where he had played a leading role. From 2000 through 2006, we met about twice a year for two or three weeks at a time in Brussels, the city where I had retired to, and for shorter periods at European conferences. In Brussels we worked in my personal study where my elaborate library on Soviet Bloc espionage, organized and catalogued, offered immediate reference to details and reminders of the past. He either stayed as our house guest or in Russian Embassy-provided quarters not far away. Between working sessions, we relaxed during forest walks and tourist outings. And when not together, we exchanged drafts and comments via mail, email, and telephone between Brussels and Moscow.

The renamed KGB (now SVR for its foreign intelligence operations and FSB for its internal counterintelligence and security work) were fully aware of who I was and what we were doing. Indeed, Kondrashev went out of his way to minimize Moscow suspicions that he might be sharing too much with this former adversary. He arranged that some of our correspondence and drafts passed through the SVR's Press Bureau. He made no secret of our Brussels meetings; on some mornings, the local Russian counterintelligence chief even drove him to my apartment building.

As we completed chapters, Sergey would routinely submit them for clearance for publication. The SVR objected to only a few passages, but later, when we had nearly completed the manuscript, they required Kondrashev to translate my English-language original into Russian for final review by "a special committee of leading personalities of the service."

Then, abruptly, the situation changed.

Perhaps SVR people saw more clearly how sensitive the matters were that Kondrashev was planning to divulge. And with security tightening under Putin's regime, the FSB had entered the scene, apparatchiks who took a wider view of what might constitute a secret. In April 2007 the SVR revoked all earlier chapter clearances. They told Kondrashev that his manuscript would be circulated inside the SVR for the orientation of their officers, but they refused to release any part of it for publication.

From that forbidden manuscript, which will now enlighten Russian spymasters, I have taken much of the present book.

It is not surprising that Moscow might judge our revelations as too sensitive to publish. Sergey Kondrashev was not just any senior KGB veteran, but one of a mere handful who knew many of its deepest secrets. During his half-century of active KGB service (1944-1992), he had worked in some of its darkest corners:

• In a case of colossal importance that vaulted his career, Kondrashev had personally recruited in Moscow an American Embassy code clerk whose betrayal allowed the KGB to break American military ciphers. This traitor was never uncovered.

• He personally handled the earlier defection of another American Embassy military code clerk in Moscow.

• He handled a historically-important mole inside British Intelligence, the MI6 officer George Blake.

• He headed two of the most important KGB stations abroad, those in London and Vienna.

• He was chief of the KGB's German-Austrian Department, overseeing its penetrations of the West German government and other clandestine actions in that area of prime Soviet concern.

• He led the KGB's Service A ("active measures"), the element tasked to weaken, mislead, and confuse Western governments and their intelligence services.

• He worked directly with the Politburo inside its premises while it coped with the Prague Spring crisis of 1968.

• He was deputy head of the KGB's worldwide clandestine operations, specifically overseeing its deception operations, among others. In that capacity, he was one of only two foreign-intelligence (FCD) officers briefed on the tightest-held operations abroad of the SCD (internal-counterintelligence directorate).

• He commanded the secret intelligence operations of Soviet border troops along their vast frontiers in northern Europe, Central Asia, China, and the northern Pacific.

• As Chief Senior Consultant to four KGB Chairman for more than a dozen years, he helped supervise the most sensitive intelligence operations abroad and prepared the Chairman's participation in meetings of the nation's high command, the Politburo.

To bring out stories from such depths, while remaining steadfastly loyal to his country and his service, Kondrashev had to tread an unmarked path between those things he could safely reveal and those he could not. Sometimes when our talks got too close to the edge, he shifted into generalities or deftly changed the subject or pretended not to hear a certain question. He would (uncon-vincingly) deny knowledge of certain matters. But I could discern the truth from the consistency in his accounts of the same events related months or even years apart and from my growing familiarity with his character and manner. Sergey Kondrashev wanted to present for posterity as true and complete a picture as he could of his life and motivation. He did not exaggerate his role or achievements nor, to the best of my knowledge, did he fabricate any part of his story, even its most trivial incidents.

Throughout all our time together he was aware—we in fact discussed it—that I was composing a book of my own on the subject of KGB deception operations, one that centered on the case of the putative KGB defector Yuri Nosenko whom, as he knew, I had handled for CIA.5 Some of the questions I put to Kondrashev pertained more to my own interests than to his life story. Sometimes he would answer them without recognizing their pertinence. At other times he would smilingly reproach me: "Pete, that question was for your book, not mine!" When I admitted it with a rueful grin, he would shrug and answer it anyway.

To clarify a forgotten detail, he would sometimes go back and question former colleagues in Moscow. On at least one occasion, he did so on my behalf, getting from one of Nosenko's former associates some details about Nosenko's KGB career that were quite different from what Nosenko had fed to CIA.

Kondrashev inevitably strayed off that unmarked path from time to time, ever more frequently as our friendly understanding ripened throughout the years. Outside our working sessions, as we relaxed over a meal or drink or strolled in the woods, he told me things that he would never publish and that his Moscow reviewers would never clear.

I asked Kondrashev what might be the consequences if I were indiscreetly to publish in my book sensitive facts attributable to him. After a moment's reflection, he said it might cost him his (very modest) pension, but more important to him was his status in his community. He would be discredited among his former colleagues in the semi-official KGB retirees' circle. It would also compromise his continued association with the SVR itself, which still consulted him and provided him services, such as special telephones, a car and driver when necessary, and file information for his writings and contributions to historical seminars. So I refrained from using any details that might point to Sergey as a source in my book Spy Wars.

In 2007, Sergey Kondrashev died of long-standing heart troubles. He can no longer be harmed by these revelations, and his family has agreed to my publishing his story in the West with my own input to make his contribution to the history of the secret Cold War more accessible to the Western reader.

What follows, then, is an account that even today Russian intelligence doesn't want you to read. It offers new insights into famous episodes of the Cold War and exposes others for the first time—like that of the American traitor who helped launch the Korean War.


Думаю, если бы мемуары Кондрашова вышли бы на русском языке, то они м.б. заняли бы то же место, что и "Спецоперации" Судоплатова, тем более, что период то к нам более близкий. Но так как их нет, придется удовлетвориться Бэгли и поверить ему на слово, что то, о чем он пишет, ему ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО рассказал генерал Кондрашов.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 08 ноя 2013 16:22

http://www.amazon.com/Company-Man-Thirt ... 263&sr=8-2

Company Man: Thirty Years of Controversy and Crisis in the CIA
by John Rizzo (Author)

Hardcover: 336 pages
Publisher: Scribner (January 7, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1451673930
ISBN-13: 978-1451673937

In 1975, fresh out of law school and working a numbing job at the Treasury Department, John Rizzo took “a total shot in the dark” and sent his résumé to the Central Intelligence Agency. He had no notion that more than thirty years later, after serving under eleven CIA directors and seven presidents, he would become a notorious public figure—a symbol and a victim of the toxic winds swirling in post-9/11 Washington. From serving as the point person answering for the Iran-contra scandal to approving the rules that govern waterboarding and other “enhanced interrogation techniques,” John Rizzo witnessed and participated in virtually all of the significant operations of the CIA’s modern history.

In Company Man, Rizzo charts the CIA’s evolution from shadowy entity to an organization exposed to new laws, rules, and a seemingly neverending string of public controversies. Rizzo offers a direct window into the CIA in the years after the 9/11 attacks, when he served as the agency’s top lawyer, with oversight of actions that remain the subject of intense debate today. In Company Man, Rizzo is the first CIA official to ever describe what “black sites” look like from the inside and he provides the most comprehensive account ever written of the “torture tape” fiasco surrounding the interrogation of Al Qaeda suspect Abu Zubaydah and the birth, growth, and death of the enhanced interrogation program.

Spanning more than three decades, Company Man is the most authoritative insider account of the CIA ever written—a groundbreaking, timely, and remarkably candid history of American intelligence.

Editorial Reviews
“CIA Directors have come and gone over the past several decades. There were two constants at the agency: crises and John Rizzo in the Office of General Counsel helping to manage them. A larger than life character, with great style, nobody worked harder to protect the nation and the men and women of CIA than John Rizzo. Company Man offers fresh insights into the some of the most highly debated national security issues of our time, from the perspective of an honest and dedicated public servant. It is a must read for those trying to understand some very important moments in the history of the CIA.”
(George J. Tenet, Former Director of Central Intelligence)

"John Rizzo, formerly the CIA's top attorney, has superbly captured the scope of his fascinating career in Company Man. Not only does he cover the major espionage and covert action of the decades he served, he also conveys an enduring and critical lesson for all liberal democracies--the centrality of the rule of law at the nexus of foreign policy and intelligence. John, who always provided clear and honest counsel to the CIA's Clandestine Service, has crafted an important book with the same sense of intellectual integrity and duty."
(Ambassador Henry A. Crumpton, New York Times-bestselling author of The Art of Intelligence, Chairman & CEO of Crumpton Group LLC and 24-year veteran of the CIA's Clandestine Ser)

“A wonderful book by a man who was in the eye of the storm for thirty-four years. Told with humor and unfailing appreciation for the politics of espionage, Company Man is the best book out there on the modern CIA.”
(Robert Baer, New York Times-bestselling author of See No Evil and The Perfect Kill)

“John Rizzo has seen it all in his 30 years as a CIA lawyer, and he tells the truth in this absorbing, well-written memoir of his life as a Company Man. Think of Tom Hagen, the Corleone family lawyer in "The Godfather," and you begin to get the flavor of what Rizzo had seen and heard. He draws vivid portraits of the agency's great characters and their sometimes outrageous schemes. The best thing about the book is that you sense Rizzo never stopped being a lawyer or trying to give his clients good, straight-up advice. If you're interested in the inside life of the CIA, read this book!”
(David Ignatius, Washington Post columnist and New York Times-bestselling author of Body of Lies)

“When the CIA was in trouble, big trouble, it called John… Rizzo knows where the bodies are buried because he helped stash them. Body Counts reads like the CIA's conscience: what the CIA was thinking as it shifted from collecting information to killing terrorists after 9/11. Why did the CIA violently interrogate suspects and then destroy the evidence? Rizzo knows, and he's talking.”
(Richard Engel, NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent and author of War Journal)

“Company Man is simply the most revealing insider account to date of the top ranks of the CIA during its most historic--and controversial--era. There is news and humor in every chapter. Frankly, I often found myself wondering why the CIA's pre-publication censors signed off on some of it.”
(Dana Priest, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist for the Washington Post and co-author of Top S)

“[A] lively memoir of life and work inside the nation’s intelligence headquarters.”
(Publisher's Weekly)

“Under seven presidents and 11 different CIA directors, Rizzo rose to become the CIA’s most powerful career attorney… [he] accumulated more than 30 years of war stories, and he tells most of them…[Rizzo] clearly loved his job and, readers conclude, served the agency and his country well.”
(Kirkus Reviews)
About the Author
John Rizzo had a thirty-four-year career as a lawyer at CIA, culminating with seven years as the Agency’s chief legal officer. In the post-9/11 era, he helped create and implement the full spectrum of aggressive counterterrorist operations against Al Qaeda, including the so-called “enhanced interrogation program” and lethal strikes against the Al Qaeda leadership. Since retiring from the CIA, he has served as senior counsel at a Washington, D.C., law firm and is a visiting scholar at the Hoover Institution. He is a graduate of Brown University and George Washington University Law School.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 13 ноя 2013 13:10

http://www.amazon.com/My-CIA-Memories-S ... rds=My+CIA

My CIA: Memories of a Secret Career
by Christopher David Costanzo

Paperback: 430 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (November 12, 2013)

A master spy and decorated espionage veteran tells of his career as an officer in the CIA's clandestine service during the last years of the cold war, starting from his early training through his senior tours as a chief of station. He expounds on the principles and practice of clandestine operations, and he elucidates the interaction between clandestine information and analysis in the so-called "intelligence cycle." His narrative is replete with war stories not only about operational activities but about his struggles with the CIA bureaucracy. This book contains a devastating account of CIA management as it was in his day, and debunks much of the public's perception of the clandestine service. Sometimes amusing and sometimes dead serious, this entertaining memoir of an American spy's career will fascinate espionage buffs, foreign policy aficionados, and institutional managers.

About the Author
Served in the Central Intelligence Agency for 25 years retiring as a senior operations officer in 1991. Collected information and monitored political, economic and security developments in various countries in Europe, the Near East, Africa and Latin America. Headed own independent office overseas on four occasions in the Near East, Africa and Latin America. During Washington assignments, headed regional branches and operations groups in the Near Eastern and Latin American areas. Monitored all Latin American narcotics matters. Oversaw budgets up to eight figures. Worked with several European, Latin American, and African intelligence services as the representative of the Director of Central Intelligence, and dealt on an ongoing basis with various foreign governments at the highest levels. Conducted and supervised training of American and foreign officials in intelligence techniques. Decorated with the Intelligence Star. Awarded the intelligence certificate of merit as well as several commendations.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 16 дек 2013 15:56

http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1408 ... 8&n=266239

Беня Макинтайр про Филби книжку на весну готовит.

Philby: A True Story of Cold War Espionage and Betrayal

Ben Macintyre (Author)

Hardcover: 368 pages
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing (13 Mar 2014)
ISBN-10: 1408851725
ISBN-13: 978-1408851722

Kim Philby was the most notorious British defector and Soviet mole in history. Agent, double agent, traitor and enigma, he betrayed every secret of Allied operations to the Russians in the early years of the Cold War.

Philby's two closest friends in the intelligence world, Nicholas Elliott of MI6 and James Jesus Angleton, the CIA intelligence chief, thought they knew Philby better than anyone, and then discovered they had not known him at all. This is a story of intimate duplicity; of loyalty, trust and treachery, class and conscience; of an ideological battle waged by men with cut-glass accents and well-made suits in the comfortable clubs and restaurants of London and Washington; of male friendships forged, and then systematically betrayed.

With access to newly released MI5 files and previously unseen family papers, and with the cooperation of former officers of MI6 and the CIA, this definitive biography unlocks what is perhaps the last great secret of the Cold War.

Utterly gripping (Antony Beevor, Daily Telegraph on Double Cross)

A rollicking read for all those who enjoy a spy story so fanciful that Ian Fleming would never have dared to invent it (Max Hastings, Sunday Times on Operation Mincemeat)

Superb. Meticulously researched, splendidly told, immensely entertaining and often very moving (John le Carré on Agent Zigzag)
Book Description
From Sunday Times no. 1 bestselling author Ben Macintyre, the true untold story of history's most famous traitor

About the Author
Ben Macintyre is a columnist and Associate Editor on The Times. He has worked as the newspaper's correspondent in New York, Paris and Washington. He is the author of nine previous books including Agent Zigzag, shortlisted for the Costa Biography Award and the Galaxy British Book Award for Biography of the Year 2008, and the no. 1 bestsellers Operation Mincemeat and Double Cross. He lives in North London with his wife and three children.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 19 дек 2013 11:47

http://www.amazon.de/Kim-Philby-Tim-Mil ... telligence

Kim Philby [Englisch]
Tim Milne (Autor)
Preis: EUR 22,28

28. Februar 2014

As a member of the spy ring known as the Cambridge Five, Kim Philby was one of the most Cold War's most infamous double agents; a spy whose name became synonymous with treachery. He was the spy at the heart of British intelligence, joining the Service during the war and rising to become Head of Soviet counterintelligence. Later, as MI6's liaison in Washington, he betrayed every secret of Allied operations to the Russians. On more than one occasion, information he passed on led directly to the deaths of British agents in the field. Despite suspicions abounding and several internal investigations, Philby was allowed to continue his dark work for decades before eventually fleeing to Russia in 1963. The revelation of Philby's guilt caused profound embarrassment to the British government of the day and its intelligence service, from which neither fully recovered. This extraordinary book provides for the first time the full uncensored story of Kim Philby, the so-called "Third Man" in the infamous Cambridge Spy Ring, told by one of his closest friends. Tim Milne went to school with Philby, who later recruited his unsuspecting friend to work for him in MI6. Milne was one of the many friends Philby felt no compunction in betraying alongside his country. Once Milne left MI6, he set about writing an account of their time as friends and colleagues, only to be threatened with the loss of his pension if even a single word appeared in print. He died in 2010 and now his family has decided the book is too important to be suppressed. This is the account of Kim Philby that MI6 didn't want you to read.

Gebundene Ausgabe: 352 Seiten
Verlag: Biteback (28. Februar 2014)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1849546991
ISBN-13: 978-1849546997
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 21 x 15 x 2,2 cm
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 19 дек 2013 11:49

http://www.amazon.de/Fighting-Lose-Inte ... p_t_2_6R0P

Fighting to Lose: How the German Secret Intelligence Service Helped the Allies Win the Second World War (Secrets of the Second World War)

John Bryden (Autor)

Preis: EUR 22,39

Taschenbuch: 392 Seiten
Verlag: Dundurn Pr Ltd (13. Mai 2014)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 145971959X
ISBN-13: 978-1459719590
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 22,9 x 15,2 x 2,5 cm

About the Author
John Bryden is a politician, journalist, and historian. He was first elected to the House of Commons in 1993, where he served for more than a decade before retiring in 2004. His publications include Best Kept Secret: Canadian Secret Intelligence in the Second World War and Deadly Allies: Canada's Secret War 1937â??1947. He lives in Hamilton, Ontario.

It has long been accepted that there were no German spies at large in Britain during the Second World War, but captured German documents and newly released MI5 files reveal that the famed double-cross system was, in fact, a German triple-cross and that the Soviets had also penetrated the Security Service. When British Intelligence discovered this information, it secretly turned the situation to its advantage during the Battle of Britain. The newly released documents also show that the German Secret Intelligence chief contrived to keep Britain in the war and may have had a direct hand in helping to lure the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor.

These revelations and others like them make Fighting to Lose the most fascinating new book about the Second World War to be published for many years. Based mainly on primary source research, Bryden reveals that German Intelligence knew about Britain's radar network before the Battle of Britain and presents new evidence that President Roosevelt deliberately left the U.S. Pacific Fleet open to Japanese attack in order to get America into the war.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 20 дек 2013 22:18

Забавно, но Тим Милн, автор книги о Филби, сын сказочника Милна, автора "Винни-Пуха".

http://clarinetguy.blogspot.com/2010/08 ... dge-4.html
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 20 дек 2013 22:20

Забавно, но Тим Милн, автор книги о Филби, сын сказочника Милна, автора "Винни-Пуха".

http://clarinetguy.blogspot.com/2010/08 ... dge-4.html

Уточнено - Племянник, не сын. А все равно родственник. Сын был у Милна один - Кристофер Робин, о котором и сказка.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 07 янв 2014 12:47

Прочитал почти половину "Моего ЦРУ" Кристофера Костанцо. Автор с большим сарказмом описывает бюрократизм, кумовство, некомпетентность высшего и среднего звена Агентства, бардак в исполнении запросов резидентур, несогласованность и грызню между разными отделами, неприязнь между ЦРУ и американскими структурами, предоставляющими "крышу" црушникам за границей, погоню за "вербовками", и вербовки "для галочки". Что-то видится подозрительно родное, разве что партийного руководства и замполитов нет. Автор не называет ничьих имен, и названия стран заменяет вымышленными, иногда прикольными типа Rattailia - "Крысохвостия" и т.д. Любопытное произведение.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Garul » 07 янв 2014 17:20

Это интернациональное!
Походу, хорошая книжка.
Сообщения: 483
Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2008 17:21

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 08 янв 2014 13:26

Любопытная. Но надо привыкнуть. К зашкаливающему порой сарказму и к специальной неопределенности. Как в романе Любимова "И ад следовал за ним", когда СССР называют Мекленбургом и т.д. Мне сначала не понравилась, тем более, что это ведь не роман, как у Михал Петровича. Сначала все время хотелось сказать автору - ну, давай, переходи к делу. Но потом понял, что автор специально так и пишет. Кстати, у него сарказм в адрес не только ЦРУ, но и Америки вообще, он иногда упоминает регресс и деградацию Америки, начавшуюся со второй половины 60-х годов, и то, что это вредит имиджу Америки в мире и МЕШАЕТ ВЕРБОВАТЬ АГЕНТОВ.

Вот парочка рецензий на нее:
http://www.ourherald.com/news/2013-12-0 ... Tales.html
https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-revi ... zo/my-cia/
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 27 янв 2014 11:05

http://www.amazon.com/Fools-Mate-Espion ... teside+III

Fool's Mate: A True Story of Espionage at the National Security Agency Paperback – January 15, 2014
by Mr John W Whiteside III (Author)

Paperback: 282 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (January 15, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1493597051
ISBN-13: 978-1493597055

About the Author
FBI Special Agent John Whiteside served the Bureau from 1971 until his retirement in 2001. As the case agent for the Lipka investigation, he was involved in all aspects of the case, from the beginning of the investigation in 1992 to Lipka’s 1997 conviction. He decided to tell the story following the deaths of two key witnesses in the case. Mr. Whiteside continues to provide counterintelligence consulting to the U.S. Government, and currently resides in Chester County, Pennsylvania.

"Fool’s Mate" tells the true stories of two traitors working different sides of the Cold War. One is an arrogant, lonely U.S. Army soldier serving in the highly secretive National Security Agency. The other is an ambitious KGB officer with access to the U.S.S.R.’s most sensitive documents. Both betray their countries, but their fates and motivations are very different. At the height of the Cold War in September 1965, disgruntled U.S. soldier Robert Stephan Lipka walked boldly into the U.S.S.R. embassy in Washington, DC. Inside, he negotiated the sale of highly sensitive National Security Agency documents. The price he demanded for his treason? A mere four hundred dollars. The Soviets could not believe their luck. For the next two years, Lipka delivered a steady stream of important information on U.S. security, before attempting to get out of the spy game as his military enlistment period expired. The KGB, however, continued their interest in Lipka for several years, eventually dispatching deep-cover Soviet illegals to make re-contact. As Lipka exited the scene, KGB officer Vasili Mitrokhin planted the seeds of his own treason, which bore unexpected fruit decades later. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union, Mitrokhin fled to the West, offering a treasure trove of archived KGB files in return for protection. Hidden within those documents was incriminating evidence against Lipka, who was then living a quiet life in the Amish suburbs of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. After a lengthy surveillance and sting operation, Lipka was convicted in 1997. Thirty-two years after first committing treason, he was finally brought to justice—his conviction ending the longest-running open espionage case in U.S. history. With Lipka’s adamant refusal to cooperate with authorities, it remains unclear just how much American blood he traded for small sums of cash. "Fool’s Mate" reconstructs the Lipka investigation through the eyes of author John Whiteside, the FBI Special Agent who led the case from start to finish, telling a story as relevant today as it was in 1965. With the arrest of ten Russian illegals in 2010 and the 2013 release of classified National Security Agency documents by Edward Snowden, "Fool's Mate" reminds us just how vulnerable national security is to both foreign intelligence services and men like Lipka, willing to sell out their country from within.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев

Re: Иностранные книги о шпионах

Сообщение Моргенштерн » 30 янв 2014 17:58

Автобиография столетнего дедушки Чэпмена Пинчера (Опасно знать) вышла в Англии. На амазоне можно немножко полистать.
Сообщения: 3483
Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2008 14:05
Откуда: Киев


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