Yoram Schweitzer: on suicide terrorism.

Обсуждение материалов, опубликованных на Агентуре

Обсуждение статьи Yoram Schweitzer: on suicide terrorism. от

Сообщение Agentura » 29 сен 2007 11:26

Yoram Schweitzer is a researcher at the "Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies" (JCSS) at Tel Aviv University. He is renowned expert in suicide terrorism, he has been conducting conversations with failed suicide bombers and senders. In November 2005 he published the report “Al-Qaida & the Globalization of Suicide Terrorism”. Mr. Schweitzer was interviewed by Andrei Soldatov.
Смотреть текст статьи: http://agentura.ru/english/experts/schweitzer/
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